Independent Sector Annual Conference 2012 – Day One

Back home after a full day at the 2012 Independent Sector Annual Conference: Game Changers. Here's a recap of my day listening in on great conversations, contributing with questions, and connecting with new and old friends and acquaintences. Creating and Implementing Game Changing Strategies David La Piana, La Piana Consulting David identified when there are […]

Doing Well & Doing Good: Hybrid Models for Social Impact

On March 20, 2012, I attended "Doing Well & Doing Good: Hybrid Models for Social Impact," an event co-sponsored by the Foundation Center – San Francisco, UpStart Bay Area,the Hub Bay Area, the Social Enterprise Alliance San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, and the Stanford Social Innovation Review. Here is the introduction to the webcast event provided […]

Top 10 Events in 2011

Here are our top 10 events of 2011 affecting the nonprofit sector (listed in chronological order): The Arab Spring NPR fundraising scandal The Great East Japan Earthquake 275,000 organizations lose tax-exempt status Mortensen and the ‘Three Cups of Tea’ scandal  501(c)(4) gift tax examinations halted Occupy Wall Street Steve Jobs dies  Corporate Flexibility Act of […]

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – November 18, 2011

We're in Los Angeles for the Western Conference on Tax Exempt Organizations (and OccupyLA is next door)!  Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:  emilychan: Advice to a new nonprofit general counsel: top 10 areas you can't overlook via @jdsupra […]

2011 Net Impact Conference

Emily and I are here in beautiful Portland to attend and present at the 2011 Net Impact Conference.  Net Impact is a public charity whose mission is to mobilize a new generation to use their careers to drive transformational change in their workplaces and the world.  With 2,600 attendees, the Net Impact Conference is the world’s largest […]

New Forms for Social Enterprises – Santa Barbara County Bar Association

I had the great pleasure of giving a presentation on new forms for social enterprises to the Tax Section of the Santa Barbara County Bar Association last week. The lively discussion focused on the L3C and California's new benefit corporation and flexible purpose corporation. The PowerPoint is available here.

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – October 13, 2011

Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises: Philanthropy: Quiz: Find Out if Your Board is Suffering from Burnout? facilitationpro: BoardSource is offering free Downloadable Policy Samplers in 48 different topic areas. Before Nov 1 NGOsource: Wanted: Simplified procedure […]

California Benefit Corporation and Flexible Purpose Corporation

California Governor Jerry Brown announced today that he signed into law AB 361 (Benefit corporations) and SB 201 (Flexible purpose corporations).  These laws will provide social entrepreneurs with two additional forms of legal entities to consider when creating their social enterprises and represents a tremendous step forward for businesses looking to factor social good into […]

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – October 7, 2011

"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." – S. Jobs. Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:  robreich: Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 Re-visit his amazing speech: 'Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life' [Ed. – I also like […]

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – September 30, 2011

Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:  lisachiuster: More on Coakley's push to ban #nonprofit board pay: robreich: Watchdogs Ask IRS to Investigate Tax-Exempt Status of 501(c)(4) Political Groups PatrickSternal: FASB Panel Recommendations for Nonprofits | "in […]