Some highlights of the past week: the Center for Nonprofit Management’s 501(c)onference in Los Angeles (where Erin was speaking on advocacy) and the funeral of Dr. Rinko Yamazaki, an amazing philanthropist and my aunt, who founded the Kitamachi Senior Center once visited by Princess Diana (that’s her greeting the Princess above). Have a listen to Elton John‘s Candle in the Wind while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Leslie Keil: Great conversation starter by David Callahan of @InsidePhilanthr -recommends 4 #philanthropy reforms @nytimes op-ed
- Public Citizen: Op-Ed in @thehill by @Lisa_PubCitizen discusses the encouraging signs on new rules for nonprofit political activity
- Cecily Jackson-Zapata: NYT Now: Poll Shows Americans Favor Overhaul of Campaign Financing #election2016 #politics
- Rob Reich: Mind boggles at this story about philanthropy, celebrity, the Clinton Foundation and swimsuit model Petra Nemcova NY Times
- Ellis Carter: MOUs versus Contracts
- Ford Foundation: “Social justice & economic growth are not mutually exclusive but mutually reinforcing” –@DarrenWalker @PresidioGrad
- Venable Nonprofit Law: Top factors for improving #nonprofit directors’ #board experiences via @EugeneFram @HuffingtonPost
- Mark Blumberg: Mark Blumberg’s article “Canadian Charities Conducting International Activities” [Ed. Very informative with lots of great tips for American charities too. Note, however, that charities must also be very careful to make sure they are authorized to operate in any foreign countries.]
- The Atlantic: Can charity be profitable? When doing good for others means doing well for yourself
- Haskell Murray: Excellent @NewYorker article on @patagonia’s anti-growth strategy via @kylewestaway #bcorp #socent
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