Lots of great conferences last week: Independent Sector, Social Venture Partners, Opportunity Collaboration, Microfinance Impact and Innovation. And congratulations to Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) on its 20th Anniversary.
Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- MFPresley: "We have to recapture the ability to talk about our challenges in morally resonant language." – G. Lamarche #isconf
- nonprofitatty: Should taxpayers receive greater tax benefits for charitable donations that assist the poor, rather than a university? http://bit.ly/ch8kW1 [from #isconf]
- GTak: Peggy Saika – "community philanthropy has emerged" – "building democratic philanthropy" #aapip2010
- GTak: Critical to social change: the ability to exploit unexpected opportunities. Chet Tchozewski at #oppcollab
- GTak: Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will – MLK Jr #oppcollab
- mattbish: Philanthropists should focus more on leveraging their knowledge, not just their money, says @tactphil [Sean Stannard-Stockton] #SVP10 I agree 100%
- HildyGottlieb: Is your board even ready to recruit? http://is.gd/g6Su3 10 Stop Signs on the Road to Board Recruitment
- HildyGottlieb: Loving the Board Recruitment Wisdom in the comments here http://is.gd/g0hRE
- InvisibleWork: nonprofit board composition: think about how all board members provide "wealth, worth and wisdom" with a strong eye on diversity #svp10
- InvisibleWork: Non-profit Executive Directors: when is the last time your board members have seen their legal roles and responsibilities? #svp10
- ssstrom: Nonprofits, donors, politics, secrecy. http://nyti.ms/buQr1t
- PatrickSternal: Groups Push Legal Limits in Advertising – http://nyti.ms/dvDArj
- HarvardCorpGov: See the entire collection of Citizens United posts on the HLS Corporate Governance Forum: http://bit.ly/cUPhyO
- Kate4Good: Great post in SSIR by Perla Ni (CEO of @GreatNonprofits) on nonprofit / for profit distinction in social funding http://ow.ly/2Wze8
- philaction: 2 new posts from day 1 of #mfimpact: insurance works but no one wants it, why do we cont to ignore men? At www.philanthropyaction.com
- socialedge: Today is World Food Day. Call for food aid policy reform! http://bit.ly/195strvd via @MSF_USA [Doctors w/o Borders]
- COF_: Melinda Gates: Why I'm an Optimist About Changing the World http://cot.ag/bMRGnq
For more interesting tweets, follow me and nonprofitlawyer on Twitter.