Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- p2173: Number one issue for American nonprofits in 2011 and beyond? Citizens United.
- FCWashington: NY Times has special section on #philanthropy in today's ed. Lots of interesting articles – check 'em out!
- GailPerrync: My latest article for @guidestarusa: How to keep your board engaged.
- nonprofitlawyer: Avoid conflicts btwn well-intentioned ppl over who's in control w/ strong bylaws & policies, & coordinated communications #boardsource2010
- GTak: Boards need to address this – 42% of nonprofit human services organizations ran a deficit last year via @COF_
- GTak: Are boards doing anything about this? 28% of nonprofit execs satisfied w/racial/ethnic diversity on their boards
- GTak: Need for caution-noted, but can't overgeneralize. RT @COF_ Study Questions Efficiency of Charity Business Activities
- PatrickSternal: A New Way To Invest In Nonprofits via @forbes | Maybe not so new way, but new perspective of "philanthropic equity"
- tactphil: Microfinance: the multi-billion-dollar aid sector that we’re just starting to learn about
- nonprofitlawyer: 5 states looking to adopt something like CA Flexible Purpose Corp. Diff flavors are good; will lead to model std-T.Johnson #boardsource2010
- L3CFounders: A final draft of the e Philanthropic Facilitation Act of 2010 is up on the ACD website. #L3C
- charitylawyer: Employer Provided Cell Phones
- JDSupra: Social Media, Business, and the NLRB: Employee Rights Online #Facebook
For more interesting tweets, follow me or nonprofitlawyer on Twitter.