The 2010 Net Impact Conference [#ni10] took place during the past week (I'm a former board member, current advisor, and big fan) and was followed by the BSR Annual Conference. Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- nonprofitlawyer: Revised IRS Publication 557 "Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization" released
- akmcquade: The New Normal of Money in Politics:
- GTak: Justices turn aside election appeal over outside donor disclosures - 527 organizations
- GTak: Nonprofit Advocacy Resource: California City, County and Special District Local Lobby Ordinances (from Alliance for Justice)
- GTak: "501(c)(4) Groups Funding Political Ads Are Violating the Tax Law" (TaxProf Blog)
- NICentral: Missed #ni10? Check out a special conference recap: Thanks to all who made it such a huge success!
- NextBillion: #ni10 in review: The Growing Imperative of Cross-Sector Collaboration – @haitionward is the exemplar
- Accenture_Jobs: Can Business Do Well By Doing Good? Read Accenture's Point of View. #ni10
- NICentral: @MajoraCarter treat the nonprofit world as an incubation space #ni10
- CSRwire: What BSR Conference 2010 Attendees and Speakers Have to SHARE – (videos)
- triplepundit: 94% of Companies will increase/maintain CSR programs in 2011 – Despite Economy!
- dstojanovic: Great resource for directors of not-for-profit organizations: "The NPO 20 Questions Series" by CICA
- CorpGovLeaders: Good @SSRN reading: "Corporate Governance Provisions of Dodd-Frank" by Stephen Bainbridge / [my former law prof]
- TrustEnabler: How to get the most out of your board: #CorpGov
- diaviv: #rally4sanity listen to Jon Stewart's closing comments. Really worthwhile and impressive!
And just because …
- SF_Giants: Ladies and Gentlemen, the San Francisco Giants are your 2010 World Series Champions!
For more interesting tweets, follow me or nonprofitlawyer on Twitter.