National Network of Fiscal Sponsors Annual Gathering 2015

The National Network of Fiscal Sponsors held its Annual Gathering in Brooklyn on November 7. Approximately 100 leaders of fiscal sponsors from across the country came to learn about common issues, best practices, and new developments, and to share experiences. Fiscal sponsorship refers to a contractual relationship that allows a person, group, or taxable entity to […]

Nonprofit Collaborations: The Structural Options

A recent article in The Nonprofit Quarterly titled “Collaborations: The Nonprofit Trend” discussed the movement towards collaborations and linkages of many kinds among nonprofits to combat a growing need for services with fewer resources. While there is no denying the importance of collaborations for many organizations, and particularly to tackle larger social problems, leaders of […]

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – December 19, 2014

This week, the Pakistan Taliban killed over 130 children in Peshawar in one of the most horrendous and despicable acts of terror directed at school children in modern history. Pakistan has lost more than 70,000 in 13 years to terror attacks. I hope you’ll work (and not just hope) for a better world. Have a […]

Independent Sector National Conference 2014: Imagine – Public Policy Action Institute

Imagine. That’s the theme of the 2014 Independent Sector National Conference currently being held in Seattle. And it’s a reminder for nonprofit board members and managers of the importance of thinking beyond our very important day-to-day matters and mere compliance. One of the Conference’s two important pre-conferences was the Public Policy Action Institute (PPAI):  The Institute is […]

Nonprofit Limited Liability Company

A limited liability company (LLC) is a legal form of enterprise, owned by one or more members, that may be organized and operated for a wide variety of purposes, including charitable purposes. One of the major advantages of an LLC is the limited liability protection it offers to its members. Members are generally not liable for […]

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – May 30, 2014

This week will be remembered for Memorial Day and the passing of Maya Angelou. Have a listen to Dr. Angelou reciting On The Pulse of Morning while perusing this week’s tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises: Gene: California bill to increase charity enforcement. 52,000 delinquent registrations,130,000 failures to register. Council of Nonprofits: #TransparencyTuesday […]

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – May 2, 2014

Sadly, racism dominated the news this week with the NBA’s handling of the Sterling fiasco overshadowing the playoffs. Have a listen to Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit while perusing this week’s tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises: Steven Greenhouse: NAACP’s Planned Award for Donald Sterling Stirs Heaps of Controversy.  NY Times The Forum of Regional Association […]

Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – November 15, 2013

  I started the past week at the BoardSource Leadership Forum and ended it at the CalNonprofits Convention. And Monday was Veterans Day. Have a listen to Lee Greenwood's God Bless the U.S.A. while perusing this week's tweets: on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises: National Council of Nonprofits: Bad actors may divert assets from missions. […]

Recap of 2013 Net Impact Conference

    The 2013 Net Impact Conference: Change Starts Here kicks off today, and I'm tremendously excited and honored to be a speaker and attendee. I'll be updating this blog post throughout the 3-day conference and live-tweeting whenever possible (@GTak - #NI13). Thursday, October 24 Tour of Google. Very cool workplace housing 15,000 employees and several […]

Is The Way We Think About Charity Dead Wrong? Some Legal Thoughts

  Dan Pallotta blew the roof off at TED 2013 with his talk about why The Way We Think About Charity is Dead Wrong (over 850,000 views and counting). Dan spoke passionately about the inability of the nonprofit sector to solve some of the society's greatest problems (e.g., poverty has been stuck at 12% for the last […]