Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – 8/4/17

Catch up with the week’s notable events and shared resources with Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.

Notable Events of the Week:

  • Mooch out. NY Times
  • President Trump blames Congress (and not Putin) for the United States’ relationship with Russia being “at an all-time & very dangerous low.” Time

Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:

  • Gene: $18 Billion “Gift” to Foundation Sounds Alarms – worth paying attention to see how this plays out. NPQ
  • Lucy Bernholz: Rapid response plans for NPOs under political attack and gov investigations – Charity & Security
  • Tony Martignetti: Top Legal Risks to Nonprofits: Learning How to Address Them – NonProfit PRO
  • La Piana Consulting: Not to be underestimated: the board and leadership role in positioning a nonprofit for advocacy success
  • BoardSource: For more on how boards can begin a conversation about strategic alliances and restructuring, check out
  • CEP: .@NonprofitAF discusses the problems with “cultural fit” and the ways in which it can perpetuate inequities.
  • Exponent Philanthropy: From the Mouths of Funders and #Nonprofits: 20 Ways to Build Better Relationships #philanthropy #foundations
  • FAF, FASB, GASB: New #FASB proposal aims to help #NotForProfit #accounting for grants and contributions. Comments by 11/1. #RevRec
  • Steve Zimmerman: GREAT article: Social Entrepreneurship’s All-American Mind Trap via NPQ
  • Nonprofit Times: Social innovation is the hallmark of the 20th annual #NPTpower50 – #socent #nptech #nonprofit #philanthropy

Themed Media Selection:

Newsweek’s new cover calls President Trump a ‘Lazy Boy’ (USA Today)