Catch up with the week’s notable events and shared resources with Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- Former FBI Director James Comey testified before the Senate saying “that he believed President Trump had tried to derail an investigation into his national security adviser, and accused the president of lying and defaming him and the F.B.I.” NY Times
- The Golden State Warriors, 15-0 through the playoffs, are in position to win the title and be the first undefeated team in NBA playoff history. SF Gate
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- Building Movement Project: JUST RELEASED: #RaceToLead shares our research on the racial leadership gap and what nonprofits can do about it. http://www.racetolead.org
- National Council of Nonprofits: President’s budget proposal targets foundations to “fill the gap” http://buff.ly/2sJwe5f Not very realistic…
- Forbes: How Donald Trump shifted kids-cancer charity money into his business: http://on.forbes.com/60198lKSP
- Nonprofit Quarterly: AG #Sessions bans the use of #nonprofits to remediate any harm caused by a corporation at the corporation’s expense NPQ
- Philantopic: Hillary Clinton Is Starting a #SocialWelfare Group. What Does That Mean? http://bit.ly/2qRnOrY @ConversationUS
- La Piana Consulting: Five principles of Real-Time Strategic Planning http://ow.ly/ejNR30ckhti
- Washington Post D.C.: With ‘giving circles,’ a sum that is far greater than the parts http://wapo.st/2smZsqo
- AFJ Bolder Advocacy: You Have a Donor-Advised Fund. Now What? via @WSJ http://ow.ly/9HV030ckGn3 #bebold
- Equal Justice Society: EJS joined @civilrightsorg 99 other orgs demanding Trump administration reverse its disturbing trend on civil rights http://bit.ly/2rELx02
- The New Yorker: Is socially responsible capitalism losing? http://nyer.cm/mifUE8L