Fresh off my visit from the Google campus in Silicon Valley, I'm moderating a session at the 2013 Net Impact Conference this afternoon on hybrid organizations. Have a listen to Al Jarreau singing Chick Corea's Spain ("I can see such brighter days") while perusing this week's tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Gene: Must read: Nonprofit CFO Study summarized in Blue Avocado
- Heather Carpenter: 10 Finance Essentials for Social Sector Leaders
- Guidestar USA: A Time to Give Thanks: Nonprofits Can Appreciate Helpful Legal Standards
- Gene: 7 Essential Elements for a Successful CEO Transition
- Gene: Do We Need Insurance for Our Volunteers? Blue Avocado
- Association of Small Foundations: 5 questions and 20 tips on collaborative giving
- Bridgespan Group: Should philanthropists spend down or form a foundation in perpetuity?
- Michelle Baker: SEC Proposes Crowdfunding Rules — Forbes
- Nicholas Kristof: "Twitter, Women and Power"–my column on gender (in)equity in business, politics and the media: NY Times
- Matthew Bishop: The Omidyar way of giving. My latest – The Economist
- Gene: NY TImes: Social Responsibility & MBAs citing Net Impact