Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – November 1, 2013

Money LossThe buzz this week originated from Sunday's Washington Post front-page article – Inside the hidden world of thefts, scams and phantom purchases at the nation’s nonprofits. Have a listen to She & Him's Thieves while perusing this week's tweets: on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:

  • Washington Post: Post analysis: Since 2008, more than 1,000 nonprofits have reported losing money to theft and other misuse of funds
  • National Council of Nonprofits: Tim Delaney's response to the WashPo story plus 4 key messages for nonprofits to share with the media
  • Council on Foundations: Washington Post Diversions Piece: What it Really Means  via @NPQuarterly
  • Gene: Dozens of Bay Area nonprofits victims of theft, embezzlement Biz Journals | important to note this is a super-tiny % of nonprofits
  • Independent Sector: Does your org have a policy in place to protect those who report wrong-doing? Learn more:
  • National Council of Nonprofits: How do nonprofits and others uncover fraud? Usually through a tip. Audits are not a panacea
  • Ellis Carter: Reporting Diversions of Nonprofit Assets:
  • Ellis Carter: 9 Nonprofit Urban Legends Debunked:
  • Community Initiatives: Waiting on the IRS for 501c3 status? Here's why, via @npquarterly In the meantime, consider fiscal sponsorship.
  • ReachScale: #NI13 Ideas: 3 Quiet, Seismic Shifts Changing Social Enterprise & Social Innovation Landscape
  • Law for Change: Social Impact Bonds: Building A Financial Market For Social Outcomes
  • Council on Foundations: Amazon to make charitable donations when customers buy – USA Today
  • Emily Chan: New Post: Arizona Repeals the Charitable Solicitation Registration Requirement for Charitable Orgs – Nonprofit Law Matters