This week we witnessed the Craigslist Foundation Boot Camp (#clfbc) in San Francisco, the Microfinance USA Conference in New York, and the Hollywood Pledge. Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- GordonJayFrost: VERY INTERESTING: Congressional Budget Office "Study Shows How Changes to the Tax Code Could Affect Giving"
- kenscommentary: The battle over the question of what is a charity continues. To tax or not to tax is driving the legal challenge. –
- GTak: California nonprofit religious corporations & cy pres (repurposing use of assets) –
- nonprofitlawyer: Redo your bylaws so they work for you, don't just honor them. They need to be adjusted as times & context changes. – L. Luckow #clfbc
- lisachiuster: Pablo Eisenberg editorial in The Chronicle of Philanthropy: Foundations need to consider class divides when finding new board members
- npmillennials: Charting Your Path to Nonprofit Board Service (from YNPNdc11) – by @emortiz
- npmaven: Thoughts? Board Members Are Not Our Development Directors:
- Philanthropy: Mass. Senate Approves Limits on Nonprofit Board Pay
- nonprofitlawyer: Lots of audience questions about advisory boards v. BoD in #clfbc governing boards session.
- achieve_consult: Giving Circles Key Tool for Women and Millennials:
- kg: For #clfbc peeps in best practices session, NPSM101 site from Tech Soup
- socialedge: Five takeaways from Microfinance USA 2011 Conference
- schwabfound: Announcing the "Social Investment Manual"-A guide for social entrepreneurs
For more interesting tweets, follow me and Emily on Twitter.