An eventful week of diverse happenings from President Obama's speech on Trayvon Martin and race in America to the birth of Prince George. Have a listen to the Dixie Chick's Lullaby as you peruse this week's tweets:
- Emily Chan: Risk Management: Everyone’s ounce of prevention via Philanthropy Journal
- Law Firm for Nonprofits: As we tweeted earlier this week, if your CA nonprofit hasn't filed its FTB Forms 199, do so now. Here's why.
- Erin: NY AG questions charities on lack of spending of Hurricane Sandy relief funds: NY Times
- Lucy Bernolz: New days, new rules – Chronicle of Philanthropy
- Gene: The Nature of the Beast: The Breathless Press and the Phony IRS ‘Scandal’ – Daily Beast
- Carrie Garber Siegrist: As Debate Into Tax Exempt Scandal Continues, Here's A Timeline Of Who Knew What And When via Forbes
- Guidestar: Finding the “Hot Spots” on the Form 990
- Alice Korngold: Excellent post: Having Women on Boards Increases Profits & Sustainability – Triple Pundit
- Nonprofit Quarterly: When a Board Seat Becomes Uncomfortable
- Lucy Marcus: Diving deeper into the stargazing side of "grounding and stargazing" How we can be more innovative in the boardroom?
- Gene: According to CA Sec of State, 103 benefit corporations and 31 flexible purpose corporations have been incorporated to date.
- Lucy Marcus: 10 Leadership Nuggets from Nelson Mandela