The Delaware public benefit corporation bill was signed into law this week, a momentous one for me personally as well. Have a listen to Daft Punk's (and Nile Rodgers') Get Lucky while perusing this week's tweets:
- Carrie Garber Siegrist: … Finding a path to better charity oversight [Ed. Center for Investigative Reporting's provocative, but not completely well-informed, follow-up on its "America's Worst Charities" article.]
- Greg Colvin: See for new draft IRC Sec 4956 to define political intervention and amendments to Sec 527 too.
- Emily Chan: Nonprofit Law Prof Blog: 501(c)(4) Mess Update: Hearings, Reports, and Bright Lines
- Ellis Carter: Creating Nonprofit Chapters and Affiliates
- Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen: We must stop incessantly reinventing the philanthropic wheel-let's share knowledge! by Stanford PACS Center Christine Sherry Stanford Social Innovation Review
- NGO Source: Must read for foundations: Open Debate, Not Politeness, Drives Nonprofit Innovation:
- CompassPoint: Your nonprofit finance management paradise! So many resources in one place thanks to Wallace Foundation
- Independent Sector: A Social Entrepreneur’s Quandary: Nonprofit or For-Profit? via NY Times [Ed. Part One]
- Nicole Wallace: Result of NYT case study: A Social Entrepreneur Transforms a Nonprofit Into a Profit-Making Enterprise [Ed. Part Two]
- Michelle Baker: Delaware 'Public Benefit Corporation' Lets Directors Serve Three Masters Instead Of One – Forbes
- Tony Martignetti: Last Friday Nonprofit Radio had its 150th show! Thanks so much for your support over the last 3 years!