This week saw our President's inauguration on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Listen to I Have a Dream by Common while you peruse this week's collection of tweets:
- Gene: "Life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness – history tells us that while these truths may be self-evident, they have never been self-executing" – President Obama
- The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: MLK’s Unfinished Business
- WSJ Personal Finance: Total Return: The Boom in Charitable Funds
- Law For Change: Interesting read: A Nonprofit’s Legal Counsel Is The Social Media Manager’s Best Friend! – Beth Kanter
- Stanford Social Innovation Review: Embracing Emergence: How Collective Impact Addresses Complexity
- Nonprofit Quarterly: What do you talk about at board meetings? Hopefully, GOVERNANCE!
- Gene: Nonprofit board diversity – always a good thing, right? Actually, … Nonprofit Quarterly
- TechCrunch: White House Announces National Day Of Civic Hacking To Liberate Data From NASA And More Gov Agencies
- Umair Haque: My latest little post. How to Have a Year that Matters