I spent much of the past week in Washington DC, where I managed to sneak in an evening tour of the monuments and a quick visit of the Newseum (highly recommended!). Have a listen to Afternoon Delight from the cast of Anchorman (featured exhibit at the Newseum) while perusing this week's tweets: on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Council of Nonprofits: #Overheadmyth just got a little more busted! http://bit.ly/1fpHPdq HUGE news
- Nonprofits Assistance Fund: A great read by Blue Avocado: Bring Unicorns Back to Our World: The Problem with Outcomes | http://ow.ly/rVMrr
- Lucy Bernholz: Philanthropy and Big Data
- Council of Nonprofits: 2014 Nonprofit Trends to Watch #7: Using data to tell stories http://bit.ly/18ZCGKB See also http://bit.ly/1cmVPRZ from NTEN
- Nonprofit Quarterly: What makes a nonprofit hospital a nonprofit? http://ow.ly/rTOG5
- Gene: Tax-Exempt Organizations and Charitable Giving – Senate Finance Cmt tax reform options paper
- Debra Beck: 5 levers of nonprofit board creativity http://bit.ly/1bbwuJF
- Sandra Feinsmith: 8 reasons to add young board members | The NonProfit Times
- Jan Masaoka: How to Staff and Support a Committee | Blue Avocado
- Law for Change: #SocEnt Mistakes – Thinking Someone Else Knows What You Should Do http://law4.ch/1c72EvY
- Rob Reich: Tech sector in Bay Area trumpets social network & community, then shuns it in office space. Excellent Allison Arieff – NY Times
- Foundation Center – SF: San Francisco mayor meets with tech execs to urge philanthropy amid simmering resentment – SF Business Times
- Gene: Google Zeitgeist | Here's to 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv-sY_z8MNs