Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- Emily: Common Cause releases IRS complaint alleging ALEC [American Legislative Exchange Council] is not a 501(c)(3) & under reporting lobbying; ALEC responds –
- Gene: Need to understand the 2011 Form 990 & Schedules – Here's an annotated version from PWC –
- Gene: Nonprofit doesn't report compensation of executive if paid by third party – Hmm … ht GOOD (Special Olympics & Coke)
- Nonprofit Issues: New story posted – Is Driver Asked to Take Kids Home from Nonprofit Event a “Volunteer”?
- Debra Beck: First of nonprofit governance series posted: 10 ways to better board recruitment strategies –
- Emily: Nonprofit Law Prof Blog: IRS Study – Correlation Between Nonprofit Governance and Tax-Exempt Compliance -
- Alice Korngold: What will it take to build a more effective nonprofit sector? Fast Company
- Independent Sector: Want to see what a completed Charting Impact report looks like? Check out Independent Sector's report here: [Ed. BBB Wise Giving Alliance, GuideStar USA, and Independent Sector developed Charting Impact as a common presentation that allows staff, boards, stakeholders, donors, volunteers, and others to work with and learn from each other; it complements planning, evaluation, and assessment that organizations already undertake.]
- Gene: Technology: we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection; changes not only what we do, but who we are – ht Lucy Marcus
- Emily: Nonprofit Social Media Policy Workbook by Idealware – informative & good conversation starter for your org. Free download:
- Hub Bay Area: Ben Rattray, founder of Change & former Hub Bay Area member joins Jon Stewart on Daily Show. Awesome to see this -
- Bainbridge Graduate Institute: Here's an article on social purpose corporations in WA State, from our friends at Geek Wire – [Ed. The law authorizing this new corporate form will be in effect on June 7, 2012.]
- Nonprofit Quarterly: What derailed the Kony 2012 actions of April 20th runs deeper than any single explanation
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