This week's highlights: National Volunteer Week and Earth Day! Appreciate Marvin Gaye's Mercy, Mercy Me (The Ecology) as you peruse this week's collection of tweets:
- Law For Change: Fast fact: IRS receives about 90,000 tax-exempt applications annually. – Bruce Hopkins
- C. Garber Siegrist: IRS study of Higher Ed: Report to be released this pm. Note: Up to 90% of orgs under-reported taxable unrelated biz income, or, $90 million!
- Gene: The Legal Meaning of Charity (April 2013) - Hauser Center
- Emily: Screening Challenges for 21st Century Nonprofits – tips finding the right people via Nonprofit Risk Management Center link
- Don Kramer: New Story Posted: Volunteer May Sue Nonprofits For Harassment Under Title VII link
- Law For Change: Op piece: Social Enterprises Must Move Beyond Purpose link via FastCoExist
- Gene: Policy Guide to Scaling Social Innovation link
- Jed Emerson: Must read for all #socent folks: Letter to a Young SE: the poor are not the raw material for your salvation link
- Stanford Daily: "Our democracy is in such pathetic disrepair that not a single meaningful reform can pass the Congress today." Al Gore