The past week was marked by National Voter Registration Day, the Presidential Debate, and speculation of an imminent massive assault by the Assad regime against rebels in Aleppo, where as many as 300,000 citizens are trapped in deplorable conditions with little drinking water and medical care. Have a listen to Sia‘s The Greatest while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Philanthropy: Charity becomes a hot election topic — and not in a good way
- David Fahrenthold: “It’s hard to make an IRS auditor laugh. But this would do it.” Washington Post [Ed. Referring to a Trump adviser’s assertion that Trump is actually doing his foundation a favor, by ‘storing’ its portrait on his golf resort wall.]
- Stacy Palmer: From @TPM: NY Attorney General’s Probe Of Trump Foundation Appears To Widen Talking Points Memo
- Philip Hackney: The Donald J. Trump Foundation looks a lot like a personal piggy bank. via Slate
- Grantmakers for Effective Organizations: Read our newest resource, Strengthening Nonprofit Capacity, for the 3 C’s of effective capacity building:
- CalNonprofits: Space still available at next week’s #CalCon16! News you can use from @GTak @esbluestein @vdevera, many more!
- Nona Randois: No #SCOTUS question at the #debate but SCOTUS is crucial to all issues discussed. Here’s why it matters:
- For Purpose Law: When the Revenue Agent Comes Calling: Document Retention
- Fast Co. Exist: It’s time that for-profits start learning from nonprofits. Here’s how:
- Nonprofit Quarterly: This year’s #SOCAP16 Conference revealed both growing popularity of #impact investing & growing tension in the field NPQ [Ed. This is an article Michele and I wrote following her coverage of this year’s SOCAP event.]
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