My week was highlighted by a trip to DC to attend a Public Policy Committee meeting of Independent Sector and the Golden State Warriors winning the NBA Championship! Check out the Golden State Warriors Mix 2015 while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Years after decline, charitable giving has now exceeded its pre-recession high at $355.17 billion. [Ed. 2015 Giving USA Report.]
- Alan Cantor: Is charitable giving really at a record high? Not as a % of GDP. Tx @KKelleyHolland. http:// #philanthropy
- Emmett Carson: Whack-A-Mole and the Debate on Donor Advised Funds | Silicon Valley Community Foundation
- Council on Foundations: Charities Must Act Now to Mitigate Misguided Oversight @rollcall #charitablegiving #policy #philanthropy
- The Atlantic: A search to find the best charitable cause in the world
- Nonprofit VOTE: 1.4 million nonprofits + 13.7 million workers + 62.6 million volunteers = a powerful force in public affairs:
- National Council of Nonprofits: Celebrating Foundation Voices in Advocacy
- Gene: ACT 2015 Report of Recommendations to IRS Tax Exempt & Govt Entities … #Form990
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Survey shows half of the respondents feel it is somewhat difficult to get members involved in #advocacy efforts
- Gene: House Appropriations Cmt Amendment makes it more difficult to revoke church’s 501(c)(3) status for electioneering
- Exempt Org Resource: “White House Announces MRI/PRI Guidance with a Focus on Climate Change and the Environment”: Blog #nonprofitlaw
- Nonprofit Times: Overhaul At #IRS Speeds EO Application Processes Nonprofit Times @mhrywna reporting from #AICPAnfp
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