Stay informed of the week’s notable events (including the Skoll World Forum) and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- “Police fatally shot a man after a traffic stop on Sunday in suburban Minneapolis, sparking clashes between hundreds of protesters and officers in an area where tensions are already high during the ongoing trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin. The victim’s family identified him as 20-year-old Daunte Wright.” Washington Post
- “After President Joe Biden declared Wednesday that the US must shift focus from a bloody and intractable war to more modern-day pursuits, it took less than 24 hours for him to put his words into practice. Unveiling a new package of sanctions on Russia while pressing its leader for a summertime summit in Europe, Biden made clear he believes the bigger threat to America lies in cyberspace rather than in the mountains of Afghanistan.” CNN
- “The ability of the Department of Health and Human Services to build shelters, move children quickly into them and then unite them with relatives and other sponsors in the United States is the first major test of whether the Biden administration can respond swiftly and effectively to a growing immigration crisis that has far-reaching political and human ramifications.” NY Times
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- Ford Foundation: Today, our president @DarrenWalker, & over 700 prominent leaders, came together to call upon all Americans to join in taking a nonpartisan stand for the most sacred and fundamental democratic right: voting. We Stand For Democracy
- Lucy Bernholz: Pressure to Tax Corporations Rises as Infrastructure Gaps Come into Full View – Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Have you ever wrestled with questions around what exactly is a community? Visualizing Who We Are
- Skoll Foundation: “Philanthropy is not about the redemption of the giver, it should be about the liberation of the receiver,” says @chefjoseandres. “How do we measure the success of philanthropy? By lifting the lives of people up. By making real change, in real-time.” #SkollWF
- Skoll Foundation: On the importance of social entrepreneurship, @staceyabrams says, “The work we do not only has to be investigated, it has to be experimented. It’s important to invest in doing things ifferently…invest in the possibility of failure.” We couldn’t agree more. #SkollWF
- Cristina Yoon: Future of #Philanthropy: Structural change is about disrupting centuries of entrenched systems and practices. It should be deeply uncomfortable, but we must recognize and embrace discomfort. (1/2) @JennChingNSF #SkollWF [Ed. 2/2: “We must also expand who we listen to. Give voice and real power to them, not just ask them to join a meeting & give feedback. Give them REAL power to set strategy and make decisions.”]
- Chandler Foundation: “Across the world, the space for civil society is shrinking. Everywhere, the ability of voices least heard come to the table is shrinking, and philanthropy is NOT using its catalytic power to do something about this.” – @nainasbatra @avpn_asia @SkollFoundation #SkollWF
- Surdna Foundation: “We must rely on the power of proximity….it’s a game changer.” – @donchennyc #SkollWF #philanthropy #systemschange
- VoteRunLead: @MsLaToshaBrown reminds us #VotingRights is NOT A PARTISAN ISSUE Public address loudspeaker and we should be asking: “What do we value as a nation? Do we value democracy? Do we value a reflective democracy? Do we value inclusivity? What does a country without racism and sexism look like?” #SkollWF
- Inside Philanthropy: Recent violence against Asian Americans highlights philanthropy’s relative neglect of AAPI justice. Sector leaders unpack what’s changing—and what needs to change. Philip Rojc reports: https://bit.ly/3wPoTDj
Black Lives Matter:
A Black Army officer held at gunpoint during traffic stop was afraid to get out of his car. ‘You should be,’ police said. (Timothy Bella, Washington Post)
Getting Serious About Diversity: Enough Already with the Business Case (Robin J. Ely and David A. Thomas, Harvard Business Review)
Maybe America Is Racist (Michael Harriot, The Root)
Amanda Gorman: Using Your Voice is a Political Choice (TED Talk)
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? (Beverly Daniel Tatum) [based on the Blinkist 15 min. summary of the book]