Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Resources of the Week.
Notable Nonprofit Posts, Articles, & Other Resources:
The Connection (AFJ Bolder Advocacy) [Ed. The 5th edition of this incredibly valuable resource was recdently published, providing guidance to nonprofit advocates seeking to maximize their impact by creating and operating 501(c)(3)s, 501(c)(4)s, and political organizations.]
Hackney: Keep Charitable Oversight In The IRS (Philip Hackney, Working Paper No. 2024-05, 15 Colum. J. Tax L. (forthcoming 2024))
Proposed DAF Regulations, Comment Submission (Nonprofit New York and Sedreddine Whoriskey)
Proposed Regulations on Donor Advised Funds: Take-Aways for Impact Investing (David Levitt, Adler & Colvin)
New Data on Racial Justice Grants Should Alarm—and Motivate—Education Philanthropy (John H. Jackson & Nicole Rodriguez Leach, Stanford Social Innovation Review)
U.S. Courts of Appeals Block Two Legal Efforts to Curb DEI Initiatives (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, JD Supra)
El Paso judge blocks Ken Paxton’s efforts to subpoena Annunciation House (Uriel J. Garcia, Texas Tribune)
Should We Care Whether OpenAI Employees — not just Board Members — Are Disqualified Persons? (darryll k. jones, Nonprofit Law Prof Blog)
Musk, OpenAI, and the Internal Affairs Doctrine (Samuel D. Brunson, Nonprofit Law Prof Blog)
Elon Musk Has a Giant Charity. Its Money Stays Close to Home. (David A. Fahrenthold and Ryan Mac, NY Times)
Significant Events:
- “Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, on Thursday delivered a pointed speech on the Senate floor excoriating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as a major obstacle to peace in the Middle East and calling for new leadership in Israel, five months into the war.” NY Times
- “[T]he twin convictions of James and Jennifer Crumbley — the first parents to be held criminally responsible for a mass shooting committed by their child — create a legal precedent that could lead to prosecutors to bring more cases against parents for the actions of their children.” NBC News
- “Russia began three days of voting Friday in a presidential election that is all but certain to extend President Vladimir Putin’s rule for six more years after he stifled dissent. … The election comes against the backdrop of a ruthless crackdown that has crippled independent media and prominent rights groups and given Putin full control of the political system.” AP
Equity and Justice Related Articles & Resources:
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies: Racism as a Form of Persistent Malinformation (Nicole A. Cppke, Project Information Literacy)
What Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ settlement changes and what restrictions remain (Stephanie Sy and Shoshana Dubnow, PBS News Hour)
American Fiction (film)
Climate Change Articles & Resources:
A New Surge in Power Use Is Threatening U.S. Climate Goals (Brad Plumer and Nadja Popovich, NY Times)
California isn’t on track to meet its climate change mandates — and a new analysis says it’s not even close (Alejandro Lazo, CalMatters)
Nearly half of U.S. homes face severe threat from climate change, study finds (Alain Sherter, Money Watch)