I have the pleasure of being in Chicago for the ABA Bar Leadership Institute. Last Saturday was International Women’s Day. Have a listen to One Woman while perusing this week’s tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Nonprofit Law News: Recent Developments and Trends for Exempt Organizations http://bit.ly/N6HfYV
- Emily Chan: “Where’s My Exemption Application” to be updated 1st Thu each month. Current avg. date of pending IRS apps: June 2013 http://1.usa.gov/N3Q8ma [Ed. This is a welcomed and long overdue update.]
- Nonprofit Quarterly: How a board handles leadership transition can have powerful & long-lasting effects http://ow.ly/uwBWU
- Community Initiatives: A challenge to the Bay Area’s tech leaders from one of their own – give more: SF Gate
- Andy Ho: Why Chinese-American philanthropy is different – SF Gate
- Stanford Law: New from Stanford Law Review: Taxing Social Enterprise by Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer & Joseph R. Ganahl: http://stanford.io/1cNvuTS
- Heather Carpenter: Entity Choices for Social Enterprises http://ift.tt/O22dJD
- Community Initiatives: A challenge to the Bay Area’s tech leaders from one of their own – give more: SF Gate
- Marianne Schnall: My piece for International Women’s Day: Reflections from Natalie Portman, Maya Angelou and Other Renowned Women http://www.feminist.com/intlwomensday.html
- Rick Cohen: Five Human Rights Issues for U.S. Nonprofits on International Women’s Day – Nonprofit Quarterly
- Philantopic: Reading: “Significance of the Minimum Wage for Women and Families” – NY Times #incomeinequality
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