We wish all of our readers a happy 4th of July! Have a listen to Neil Diamond’s (They’re Coming to) America while perusing this week’s tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
Chronicle of Philanthropy: IRS releases EZ application for charity status http://ow.ly/yHleT Earlier coverage of criticism: http://ow.ly/yHmnH
Gene: Nonprofit Human Resources Best Practices Toolkit #501conference #HR
Law for Change: New on #LawForChange Blog: DIY #Nonprofit Law – Top 5 Mistakes http://law4ch.org/VD5Tph by @charitylawyer
Nonprofit Quarterly: The ambition to create change and good board governance can easily coexist http://ow.ly/yIh0X
Gene: The Dirty Dozen: Obstacles to Having a Great Board #501conference #governance
Debra Beck: A #Nonprofit Board Member’s Bill of Rights http://bit.ly/TJbcC3
Debra Beck: #Nonprofit boards (& everyone else) take note @JaneBozarth: Forbes: Why workplace training fails
Gene: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Affiliations Involving Nonprofits
Independent Sector NGen: 5 important Qs frm @Diaviv that organizations should ask themselves RE: diversity, inclusion, recruitment & retention http://ow.ly/yHsvZ
Bridgespan Group: 5 critical elements for successfully growing national #nonprofit networks @BBBSA @BGCA_Clubs #BridgespanClassic http://bit.ly/1sHVeIi
Peter Panepento: 5 things your foundation should know about the future of impact investing http://ow.ly/yHg94
Jed Emerson: “How The U.S. Government Can Boost Impact Investing And Social Enterprise” ( http://onforb.es/1nWOuOK ) #impinv
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