Today is the deadline for filing the IRS Form identifying your organization’s responsible party. Have a listen to the Killers’ Deadline and Commitments while perusing this week’s tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Gene: IRS plan to curb politically active nonprofits draws thousands of comments – Washington Post
- Ellis Carter: Nonprofit Law Urban Legends | CharityLawyer
- Gene: Nonprofit leaders have a responsibility to protect against fraud. Here’s a great resource to start: National Council of Nonprofits
- Law Firm for Nonprofits: Find out how expanded whistleblower liability affects your nonprofit.
- Harvard Business Review: The four habits of highly successful boards
- National Council of Nonprofits: First step to starting a nonprofit? Research!
- Bridgespan Group: How to talk about nonprofit mergers with board members and senior staff.
- Sandra Feinsmith: California to Crack Down on Anonymous Nonprofit Political Donations – NPQ – Nonprofit Quarterly
- Jed Emerson: Interesting take from Bridgespan on SIBS [Social Impact Bonds]: Are They Really About Changing How Government Works?
- NGOSource: Check out our updates for global grantmakers here:
- GrantSpace: Missed yesterday’s Can My Business Be a Nonprofit webinar w/ attorney Erin Bradrick? No worries. Watch now
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