Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- John McCain’s Death Brought Out the Worst in the Trump Administration – A skirmish over whether to fly the White House flag at half-staff showcases its pettiness, divisiveness, disorganization, and lack of backbone. The Atlantic
- “One million Muslims are being held right now in Chinese internment camps, according to estimates cited by the UN and U.S. officials. Former inmates—most of whom are Uighurs, a largely Muslim ethnic minority—have told reporters that over the course of an indoctrination process lasting several months, they were forced to renounce Islam, criticize their own Islamic beliefs and those of fellow inmates, and recite Communist Party propaganda songs for hours each day.” The Atlantic
- “A long-awaited analysis of Hurricane Maria’s deadly sweep through Puerto Rico prompted the government on Tuesday to sharply increase the official death toll. The government now estimates that 2,975 people died as a result of the disaster and its effects, which unfolded over months. The new assessment is orders of magnitude greater than the previous official tally of 64 …” NY Times
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- Anand Giridharadas: The end may be near for Trump, but not for our crisis. Let’s talk of the disease of which he is a symptom: a country run for the few. Let’s talk of “fake change” sold by winners and how to take change back. The first peek at @winnerstakeall in @nytimes. Beware Rich People Who Say They Want to Change the World
- Drew Lindsay: Anand Giridharadas says his criticism of philanthropists is what charity leaders think but don’t dare to say. Calling Out Phony Philanthropists
- Benjamin Soskis: So you knew I had to weigh in on @AnandWrites @WinnersTakeAll; no book on philanthropy has gotten this much attn in recent memory. Here’s my review. Short take: it masterfully punctures elite “change-agent” posturing but it misses an opportunity. Chronicle of Philanthropy
- HistPhil: New HistPhil post in the anonymous giving forum: Roger Colinvaux outlines the history of the IRS’ Regulation of Political Activity & places the controversies over “dark money” contributions into a broader legal context
- Erin Bradrick: Trump Privately Urges Pastors to Help Him From the Pulpit in Midterms. He does know 501(c)(3)s can’t do that, right? NYT
- BoardSource: If you want your board meeting to have a maximum impact, board meeting logistics are important. In this old blog post, learn about the where, when, and how of planning effective and enjoyable meetings, both for #nonprofit staff and board members. How to “Host” a Successful Board Meeting
- Lucy Bernholz: NEWS RELEASE: Nonprofit rate of job growth outpaces for-profit rate by over 3-1 over last decade | Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies
- Jan Masaoka: First read this outstanding journalism from @motherjones piece on #studentdebt Mother Jones … Then check our #free #Nonprofit #StudentDebt Toolkit
- B Corporation: U.S. senator’s call for “accountable capitalism” follows approval of benefit corporation legislation in 34 states—can two visions be reconciled? #BCorp http://bit.ly/2N6YcTl
- Player’s Tribune: Steph Curry gets personal about women’s equality. This is Personal
Themed Media Selection:
Burning Man (Daily Mail)