Last Sunday, the Oscars telecast featured several films and acceptance speeches that focused on themes of social justice and social good. Have a listen to Bob Marley‘s Get Up, Stand Up while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Atlantic: What the FCC’s historic net neutrality ruling means in plain English
- Independent Sector: The 2015 Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice, our answer to a new world of opportunity for nonprofits
- CompassPoint: Real world insights show a better path to successful #nonprofit #boards: From @HaasJrFund
- Nonprofit Quarterly: 10 signs your nonprofit is on a destructive path to its demise #10WaystoKill
- Olive Grove: Why is “generative thinking” so important for #KickAssGovernance? Find out in this @PwC_LLP article:
- Jan Masaoka: Forms 990 and IRS passwords hacked; allows access to restricted data like Schedule B donor lists @UrbanInstitute The Hill
- Lucy Bernholz: Strategy and collaboration in #philanthropy – working at cross purposes? PND Blog … @fdncenter
- CA Attorney General: AG Kamala Harris Announces Legislation to Improve Transparency & Accountability for Commercial Charitable Fundraisers
- ScaleChange: The Top Nonprofit Crowdfunding Risks
- Insider Higher Education: .@AlliantU becomes a benefit corporation, blurring the line between for-profit and nonprofit:
- Leonard Nimoy: A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP [Ed. Live long and prosper, Leonard Nimoy’s final tweet. Rest in peace.]
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