Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – September 6, 2013


Nonprofit radio


On Friday, September 6, at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET, listen to the three co-signers of the Overhead Myth letterArt Taylor, President and CEO of BBB Wise Giving Alliance; Jacob Harold, President and CEO of Guidestar; and Ken Berger, President and CEO of Charity Navigator – discuss their letter to the donors of America on Nonprofit Radio with host Tony Martignetti. The general theme of the letter is captured by the following excerpt:

The percent of charity expenses that go to administrative and fundraising costs—commonly referred to as “overhead”—is a poor measure of a charity’s performance.

Tony and I will follow-up with discussion on examples of what might constitute "good" and "bad" overhead. Listen live here or catch it on iTunes in a few days.

Have a listen to Build Me Up Buttercup as you peruse this week's tweets:

  • Gene: 10 threats and distractions to nonprofits MinnPost
  • Heather Carpenter: Compendium of Standards, Codes, and Principles of Nonprofit and Philanthropic Organizations
  • Law for Change: Great resource: Audit Guide for Charitable Nonprofits - National Council of Nonprofits
  • Darian Heyman: Philanthropy – Not Even the Same Stream Once – Nonprofit Quarterly
  • AAPIP: Community-led solutions changing philanthropy. AAPIP and Community Investment Network featured in HuffPo
  • Rob Reich: Not Very Giving: on the problems with private donations to public schools. NY Times
  • Debra Beck: Essential capacities of a nonprofit board chair (new post)
  • Gene: Will Millennials Shift How Money Flows to Social Change? HuffPo | no doubt emerging socent movement changes game
  • Jay Frost: Have you seen the "State of Civil Society 2013" report from Civicus Alliance? 
  • UN Radio: UN observes first International Day of Charity

And from SOCAP (Social Capital Markets Conference) 2013, which took place this week in San Francisco:

  • SOCAP Live: Not at SOCAP13 ? Watch the livestream here -  and keep up with our Youtube recordings here
  • Via Next Billion: On the Ground at SOCAP – Day 1 and Day 2 
  • Gene: Session Recap: Managing Impact for the Long Term
  • Kate Ahern: "Impact Investing: Show Me…The Data." Check out Sean Greene's new blog
  • Village Capital: "73% of accelerators are less than 5 years old." Learn more in Village Capital – Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs Accelerator report 
  • SOCAP Live: read the very latest, most thorough on the innovative Social Impact Bonds: Federal Reserve of SF Comm.Dev DL here