The official end of summer and a busy fall conference season ahead for many. Today, Erin and I are attending the American Bar Association Exempt Organizations Committee Meeting with many of our colleagues from throughout the country. Have a listen to Jon McLaughlin's Summer Is Over while you peruse this week's tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Carrie Garber Siegrist: Nonprofits & the IRS: 5 Risk Areas to Watch For – CPA Practice Advisor
- Sustainable Law Group: Highlights from the House Ways & Means Committee IRS Exempt Orgs Hearing [Ed. Startups, note the IRS backlog of 65,000 exemption applications.]
- Nonprofit Quarterly: GuideStar Compensation Report: Gender Gap in Nonprofit Pay Persists
- Cynthia Rowland: Our Next Free Nonprofit Seminar Series [San Francisco Bay Area]
- Perlman & Perlman: What should a nonprofit board do if it suspects or discovers evidence of embezzlement? When Funds Go Missing
- Alice Korngold: For all the time boards spend on their legal duties, that does not propel the biz forward to profitability
- Cyrus N White: Here's a warm-up to my session at the BoardSource Leadership Forum in November. [Ed. Helpful general governance tips. I'm looking forward to attending and speaking at #BLF13.]
- Carrie Garber Siegrist: Permissible Nonprofit Political Activity Summarized by CRS
- Jereme Bivins: So, today, this happened… // 990s one step closer to being useful
- Omidyar Network: Younger Donors, Impact Investing & Blurring Lines Between Business & Philanthropy
- Gene: Forbes & Credit Suisse Reveal Results Of New Study Examining Philanthropists' Approaches To Tackling Global Poverty - Forbes
- Mashable: Watch the Sold-Out Social Good Summit Livestream From 20 Countries [starting this Sunday]