We at NEO Law Group wish all of our readers a very happy Thanksgiving weekend! Have a listen to Adam Sandler's Thanksgiving Song while perusing this week's tweets: on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Gene: Nonprofit groups often seek restitution, not prosecution, when money goes missing Washington Post
- C. Garber-Siegrist: Scant evidence of fixes at IRS after scandal #nonprofits via USA Today
- Erin Bradrick: IRS and Treasury issue new proposed guidelines for 501(c)(4)s: IRS
- AFJ Bolder Advocacy: Our statement from @NanAron on Treasury, IRS draft regs: Proposal endangers citizen participation in democracy: http://bit.ly/ItbeIg
- AFJ Bolder Advocacy: 8 Questions about the IRS Rules Announced This Week – AFJ
- Rob Reich: 'bullshit with a serving of horseshit on the side': Marcus Owens on Crossroads GPS claim to meet 501c4 tax status. Huffington Post
- IU Philanthropy: Groundbreaking research by @jmpstrt expands understanding of religious influences on giving #ConnectGive http://ow.ly/rayM1
- Gene: It’s Not Religion That Makes You Give – TIME – key is social networks formed within religious orgs
- Gene: Judge Declares Tax Exclusion For Clergy Housing Payments Unconstitutional – Forbes
- Law For Change: New Blog: Defining Social Enterprise via Haskell Murray http://law4.ch/1eou9yZ
- Jed Emerson: Q&A With Morgan Stanley: Clients Demand Impact Investment Options | David Bank – HuffPo
- Guardian Sustainable Business: Benefit corporations: can a legal designation boost sustainability? Guardian