We hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day! Have a listen to two great but very different songs – Ray Charles' America the Beautiful and Martina McBride's Independence Day - while perusing this week's collection of tweets:
- CalNonprofits: Nonprofits are the 1st Amendment incarnate! http://bit.ly/17Uyevr
- Melissa Mikesell: Help advance your own vision of American by lobbying and advocating for policy change this 4th of July! - AFJ Bolder Advocacy
- Law For Change: News: IRS Controversy Could Cause Tax-Exempt Processing Slowdown http://law4.ch/18gIy0a
- Gene: Explainer: Sorting through charges and countercharges in the IRS probe – Washington Post
- Carrie Garber Siegrist: Cautionary Tale: $22,000 In Charitable Donations Disallowed By The IRS http://ow.ly/myIZS
- Council of Nonprofits: Great article! Joanne Fritz How fiscal sponsorship works http://bit.ly/165bLFp More here: http://bit.ly/inT5hO
- Gene: Lawsuit challenging Princeton University's [state] tax-exempt status won't be dismissed – NJ.com
- Law For Change: Corp Governance: 'Ongoing Push' for Split CEO and Board Chair Roles http://law4.ch/12e43pX
- Foundation Center San Francisco: Legal issues can be complicated for new orgs. Join Erin Bradrick 7/10, at San Mateo Public Library for some legal clarity: http://ow.ly/mssFm