Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- tactphil: Young tech millionaires turning first to philanthropy before thinking about how to spend new found money
- GTak: Spending & Management of Endowments Under UPMIFA: 2010 Survey –
- PBPartnership: NJ Supreme Ct says nonprofit rightly denied property tax exemption due to commingled affiliated for-profit businesses
- PBPartnership: Revised Primer on privacy and identity theft relevant to #nonprofits now available on our website
- robreich: Great primer on the use and abuse of nonprofits in campaign finance. ProPublica’s Guide to Super-PACs and Dark Money.
- GTak: Nonprofit unincorporated association vs nonprofit corporation: choosing the right structure -
- nonprofitlawyer: Challenges faced by the next gen of great leaders RT @socialcitizen: Young…and Restless: The 20-something Executive
- socialedge: What should an independent director do to make a dynamic and productive board, asks @lucymarcus in @HarvardBiz
- BlendedValue: Great News! @Justmeans acquired by 3BL Media Group to now become largest/influential provider of content on CSR/Sustainability! Congrats!!
For more interesting tweets, follow me and Emily on Twitter.