Yesterday, we were inspired by Premal Shah, President of Kiva, who spoke at an event sponsored by AllianceBernstein and participated in a briefing held by the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors. Listen to Sweedish House Mafia's Save the World Tonight as you peruse this week's tweets:
- Gene: Great talk by Premal Shah about Kiva leveraging donor advised fund $$s to engage #NextGen giving
- Emily Chan: Senate Finance Committee Paper on Exempt Orgs – a look at some major reform proposals via Nonprofit Law Prof Blog
- Lucy Bernholz: Nonprofits need to denounce bad fundraising practices. Trust is at stake
- AFJ Bolder Advocacy: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Lobbying
- Hispanic Philanthropy: Read the IHRFG and the Foundation Center’s first-ever report on the state of grantmaking for #advancinghumanrights
- AAPIP: Great post by James Head of the SF Fdn about bridging communities for collective good.
- Michelle Baker: Article about B Corp and its founders — A new type of corporation may redefine what success looks like –
- Independent Sector: A Social Entrepreneur’s Quandary: Nonprofit or For-Profit? via NY Times