While I'll be off my feet for a little while after rupturing my Achilles tendon, I now have substantial time to pursue other goals I had previously set aside. Listening and learning from my favorite sax player Phil Woods kicks off my post-op week. Listen to Woods and David Sanborn duet on Senor Blues while perusing the following tweets:
- GTak: 2012 Form 990 Instructions released 02/01/13
- Ellis Carter: Make it Your Business to Know if Your Nonprofit Corporation is “Doing Business” in other States: http://bit.ly/TwiEhN [Ed. Be aware of requirements to qualify to do business as a foreign corporation.]
- Nonprofit Law News: Maine Supreme Court Clarifies Property Tax Exemption For Non-Profits http://lawdai.ly/WxHIpc | by Pierce Atwood LLP [Ed. Revenues from activities unrelated to exempt purposes de minimis when 1% of operating budget.]
- Lucy Bernholz: "Donor intent cannot realistically be guaranteed beyond a generation,” http://nyti.ms/VFGR7B
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Maybe for most nonprofits the board will not, after all, be your fundraisers— but your governance system will! http://ow.ly/hp2Sn
- Debra Beck: Thinking about how we engage our introverted nonprofit board members this week http://bit.ly/14JFxBK
- Laura Tomasko: "If you don't have Millennials on your board, change that. They think differently + we can all learn from them." – Jean Case, Yalo Philanthropy Conference
- GTak: The Next Big Thing: Flexible-Purpose Corporations