Happy Valentine's Day. Have a listen to Chet Baker's My Funny Valentine while perusing this week's tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Foundation Center: Can My Business Be a Nonprofit? Free webinar 2/26, 2-3pm ET w/ attorney Erin Bradrick. Register now: http://bit.ly/1b5awPz
- Council of Nonprofits: File IRS Form 8822-B before March 1st to tell the IRS who the "responsible party" at your nonprofit is. Deadline soon!
- Law News Trends: Safeguarding Your Nonprofit against Fraud and Embezzlement: Best Practices, Common Pitfalls, and Practical… http://bit.ly/1iZoNfY
- Council of Nonprofits: #TransparencyTuesday More tips for nonprofit transparency http://bit.ly/1jtYG46
- Nonprofit Law News: Updated Procedures For Reinstating Tax-Exempt Status: IRS Issues Revenue | by Polsinelli
- Ellis Carter: Boards Can't Just Abandon an Insolvent Nonprofit http://bit.ly/eal7QT
- Debra Beck: Core nonprofit board competency 2: Think strategically http://bit.ly/1eTNPwS
- Gene: WA Supreme Court invalidates exemption for religious employers when employee does not perform religious functions – MarketWatch
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Conflicts of interest are a normal part of organizational life, but dealing with them is anything but simple… http://ow.ly/ttvHm
- Community Initiatives: Does it help or hinder? Great article on crowdfunding and established nonprofits, via NY Times
- Gene: How Companies Can Achieve Effective Board Governance, Stakeholder Engagement, and NGO Partnerships http://huff.to/1eUbxcj – Alice Korngold