The past week went by so quickly! Emily's upcoming article on Facebook firings for the Nonprofit Quarterly went through final edits, and we should see it published shortly. Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- andyho: Top 10 Predictions for Global Philanthropy in 2012 – RE:Philanthropy
- GTak: Finding the Right Transparency – nonprofitlawblog
- emilychan: Three challenges impacting small nonprofits & five factors that help manage "the liability of smallness" by @npmaven
- charitylawyer: Nonprofit Startups: Repurposing An Existing Nonprofit
- PatrickSternal: Treasury releases Supporting Organizations and Donor Advised Funds report: | Mandated by 2006 Pension Protection Act
- GTak: Eight Dangers of Collaboration – (Harv Bus Rev) – for nonprofits, add different tax laws may apply to each partner
- comminitiatives: Questions to Ask Prospective Board Members | Blue Avocado
- kanter: Blogged: Power and Light: Transparency and Effectiveness in the Nonprofit and Philanthropy World
- nigelcameron: Groupthink! RT @Ruth999: Big problem on boards – don't want to ask 'silly' question. <My take on groupthink:
- p2173: Money is the dark matter of American elections: visualizing political donations since Citizens United
- jessamynlau I finally blogged: "We're teaching social entrepreneurship wrong" ["we need more patient changemakers"]
- GTak: For-profit social enterprises are competing with nonprofits for MBAs & other personnel – – via @cpreston
For more interesting tweets, follow me and Emily on Twitter.