Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- “America has decided the pandemic is over. The coronavirus has other ideas. The latest omicron offshoot, BA.5, has quickly become dominant in the United States, and thanks to its elusiveness when encountering the human immune system, is driving a wave of cases across the country.” Washington Post
- “A government watchdog accused the U.S. Secret Service of erasing texts from Jan. 5 and 6, 2021, after his office requested them as part of an inquiry into the U.S. Capitol attack, according to a letter sent to lawmakers this week.” Washington Post
- “Sen. Joe Manchin on Thursday dealt a devastating blow to Democrats’ hopes for sweeping legislative action this year, telling Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his staff “unequivocally” that he won’t support the climate or tax provisions of a Democratic economic package, two sources familiar with the talks tell CNN.” CNN
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- AFJ Bolder Advocacy: With so many important issues on the ballot 🗳️ we want your nonprofits to fight smarter, not harder 📣 Our newly updated factsheet outlines what election activities are permissible for 501(c)(3) public charities and 501(c)(4) social welfare orgs
- David Callahan: A key takeaway of this study is that public trust in philanthropy partly rests on ignorance about the tax rules, which Americans don’t support once they have better information. The sector is on very thin ice. New Ipsos Poll Shows Broad Support for Bold Charity Reform
- Nonprofit Quarterly: Senior Editor @Steve_NPQ and Emily Kawano of @WellspringCoop1 challenge us to think beyond capitalism, highlighting real-world tools of economic transformation: https://bit.ly/3uK0NKu #EconomicJustice #WorkerCooperatives #WorkerCoops
- Rhodri Davies: Philanthropy Matters. It’s a new organisation (and website) that aims to provide a space for exploring philanthropy: what it is, how it works and how it affects all of our lives.
- Andrea Suozzo: I run @ProPublica’s Nonprofit Explorer, so I spend a lot of time with tax-exempt organization data. But there’s a large group of these organizations for which we don’t get any data, because they aren’t required to submit tax returns: Churches. Right-Wing Think Tank Family Research Council Is Now a Church in Eyes of the IRS
- Upstart Co-Lab: Most Museums Don’t Put Their Money Where Their Values Are via @BarronsOnline
- Gene: Corporations’ Assets Have Huge Carbon Footprints. What About Foundations? @michaelkavate @InsidePhilanthr
- For Purpose Law Group: Philanthropy Thought Leaders: “Seven Scary Things”
- Caritas Law Group: Is it Time for a Legal Audit?
- NASA Webb Telescope: 👀 Sneak a peek at the deepest & sharpest infrared image of the early universe ever taken — all in a day’s work for the Webb telescope. (Literally, capturing it took less than a day!) This is Webb’s first image released as we begin to #UnfoldTheUniverse: http://nasa.gov/webbfirstimages/
Racial Equity and Justice:
Understanding Racism (Charlotte Reading, NCCIH)
Indigenous Experiences with Racism and Its Impacts (Samantha Lope, Charlotte Reading, and Sarah de Leeuw, NCCIH)
Police In America (Part 1): Slave Patrols, The Minority Threat Hypothesis, and The Problem (Let’s Talk About Race, podcast)
Civil Rights Champion Fred Gray Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom (Equal Justice Initiative)
“You Know What I Say About Men Who F— Asian Women?” (Elaine Hsieh Chou, Vanity Fair)
If there are any attorneys or law students who identify as Black, Native Americans, or Pacific Islanders who are interested in nonprofit corporate and tax-exemption laws and who’d like to pursue this area of practice, I’m committing one hour each week to being a resource. Please contact me if I can be of service. 🙏