Nonprofit Tweets of the Week – 5/29/20

Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.

Notable Events of the Week:

  • “George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man, died on Monday after being handcuffed and pinned to the ground by a police officer’s knee, in an incident that was recorded on video and that incited large protests ….” NY Times
  • “President Trump, who previously called the video of Mr. Floyd’s death “shocking,” later called the protesters “thugs” on Twitter and said that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” prompting the social media network to attach a warning to the tweet, saying that it violated the company’s rules about “glorifying violence.”” NY Times
  • “There’s a good chance the coronavirus will never go away. … Experts call such diseases endemic — stubbornly resisting efforts to stamp them out. Think measles, HIV, chickenpox.” Washington Post

Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:

  • Jeffrey Bradach: For so many, hard decisions need to be made fast right now. These tools may help to clarify the pros/cons of different options. (Doesn’t change how tough some of these decisions are to make.) How to make decisions in the face of uncertainty
  • Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman: Too many non-profits & movement orgs are stuck in reaction mode right now. If your org isn’t scenario-planning for all the ways this pandemic could affect your work over the next ~2 years, you should start right now. Here’s a template: (1/15)
  • The Giving Review: .@GivingReview co-editor @WilliamSchambra notes increasingly hostile atmosphere for endowment institutions and wonders what it might mean for #philanthropy as some, including @IPS_DC, urge Congress to make foundations increase their grantmaking … An increasingly hostile atmosphere for endowed institutions
  • Anne Wallestad: From @BoardSource’s @jimetaylor1: Fantastic prompts for board reflection about how lack of trust may explain lack of board progress in advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity. Builds on insights from recent @BridgespanGroup and @echoinggreen research. Reflections on Trust and Its Relationship to Racial Inequity on Nonprofit Boards
  • Benjamin Soskis: I understand philanthropy’s reluctance to get mired in partisan politics. But helping to forestall looming crisis of democracy deliberately being stoked by Trump admin should be front & center for every funder of good conscience. $ for pub ed on voting rights, TA, watchdogs, etc. [Ed. This accompanied a retweet of Donald Trump’s damaging and false tweet that triggered Twitter’s new fact-check label and hyperlink – “There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged & even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed. The Governor of California is sending Ballots to millions of people, anyone…..”]
  • National Council of Nonprofits: Our analysis of the #PaycheckProtectionProgram Loan Forgiveness Interim Final Rule #nonprofits #Relief4Charities
  • Nonprofit Quarterly: What you need to know about the SBA’s new interim final rules for your PPP loans, and what Congress is taking up as you read this. #SBA #PPPLoan
  • Bright Lines Project: IRS and Treasury just finalized their decision to end the requirement that nonprofits that do political activity disclose their major donors to the IRS. A blow for enforcement, and a boon for folks who want to game the system. Final Regulation
  • Independent Sector: We need your help! We’re asking #nonprofits to share how the #pandemic is impacting their organization’s finances, employment and operations. Take our #surveys now:
  • Washington Post: Breaking: Twitter labels Trump’s tweets with a fact-check for the first time Washington Post [Ed. From the article: “Twitter on Tuesday slapped a fact-check label on President Trump’s tweets for the first time, a response to long-standing criticism that the company is too hands-off when it comes to policing misinformation and falsehoods from world leaders.”]

Media Selection:

An Incalculable Loss