Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- “President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed into law a coronavirus relief package that includes provisions for free testing for Covid-19 and paid emergency leave.” CNN
- “California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday night that the shelter-in-place order already in effect in the Bay Area and Los Angeles County will now be extended to the entire state and its 40 million residents.” SF Gate
- “Senator Richard Burr Sold a Fortune in Stocks as G.O.P. Played Down Coronavirus Threat | After the sales in February, the North Carolina Republican warned a group that the virus could soon cause a major disruption in the United States. Three other senators also sold major holdings around the same time.” NY Times
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- Anne Wallestad: Some practical advice to boards about things to be thinking about in the context of COVID-19. Please continue to let us @BoardSource know how we can help. What Nonprofit Board Members Should Be Doing Right Now to Address the COVID-19 Situation [Ed. Join BoardSource leaders Anne Wallestad and Cathy Trower at noon on March 25 for a Facebook Live discussion on the roles of the CEO and board chair during a crisis. BoardSource Facebook Page And on a personal note, I’m thrilled to have joined the board of BoardSource this week!]
- Brian Galle: Two interesting charitable contribution provisions in Sen R stimulus bill: $300 non-itemizer deduction (NOT credit), and uncapped cash deduction for itemizers . Oddly, extra cash deduction available for gifts to private foundations but not DAFs …
- National Council of Nonprofits: The #nonprofit community calls on Congress to infuse $60 billion in capital to maintain operations, expand scope to address increasing demands, and stabilize losses from closures throughout the country. Letter
- Max Fisher: Covid19 bearing out the warnings: inequality is a major threat to public health for everyone Inequality makes epidemics spread faster, wider, at a higher fatality rate And Covid19 widens inequality as spreads—a self-reinforcing cycle that’s already begun As Coronavirus Deepens Inequality, Inequality Worsens Its Spread
- CalNonprofits: Attention CA Nonprofits! Join 750+ nonprofit colleagues who have signed on to our letter asking CA leaders to include nonprofits in emergency measures: Letter
- Vu Le: foundations, I would ask you to examine why you still adhere to the 5% minimum legally required payout rate. If this pandemic is not the time for transformative action, then when is? Funders, this is the rainy day you have been saving up for
- The Chronicle of Philanthropy: “Our tendency in philanthropy has been to continue making the minimum legally required payout instead of thinking first about maximum impact to prevent long-term societal damage.” Now Is the Time for Philanthropy to Give More, Not Less
- Bridgespan Group: In the best of times, even the most well-known nonprofits live close to the financial edge. As many struggle to cope with #coronavirus/#COVID19 these are not the best of times. 3 things #donors can do today to support grantees through this crisis: What Philanthropy Can Do Today to Support Grantees Through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis
- Phil Buchanan: Foundations and individual donors: please support the nonprofits helping the most vulnerable in this incredibly challenging moment. Please support them right now. Supporting Our Unsung Heroes in a Moment of Crisis: Part 1 [Ed. See also Part 2.]
- Gene: This is the time for companies that publicly identify themselves as having social goals in addition to financial goals to live up to those claims. And I’m guessing those that do will reap future financial rewards too. We’re all watching. [Ed. In response to tweet from Kirk Stark: Good on Louis Vuitton. Can we roll out something like this here too? It should be massively produced, universally available, and totally free. We’re all in this together. Reuters]
Media Selection:
Honest Government Ad | Coronavirus: Flatten The Curve (The Juice, YouTube)