Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- “President Trump on Thursday publicly urged China to investigate Democratic challenger Joe Biden, a new request that a foreign government assist his reelection campaign adding to the extraordinary pattern of conduct at the center of a fast-accelerating impeachment inquiry.” Washington Post
- “President Trump met in the White House on Friday with Wayne LaPierre, the chief executive of the National Rifle Association, and discussed prospective gun legislation and whether the N.R.A. could provide support for the president as he faces impeachment and a more difficult re-election campaign, according to two people familiar with the meeting.” NY Times
- “President Trump told two senior Russian officials in a 2017 Oval Office meeting that he was unconcerned about Moscow’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election because the United States did the same in other countries, an assertion that prompted alarmed White House officials to limit access to the remarks to an unusually small number of people, according to three former officials with knowledge of the matter.” Washington Post
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- BoardSource: Just because #nonprofits can’t endorse candidates, that doesn’t mean boards can’t advocate for the causes that are important to them. In fact, they SHOULD be. Learn more here at our recently re-done website https://hubs.ly/H0kHqsL0 #S4YM
- Nonprofit Quarterly: “If nonprofits are growing like gangbusters and are building blocks of democracy, then shouldn’t democracy in the US be deepening rather than fraying?” Can a Growing Nonprofit Economy Lead to a Thriving Democratic Culture?
- Upswell: What new ideas emerge when Old Power and #NewPower work together? Check out our new supplement in @Philanthropy exploring the roles of both. Guest voices include @henrytimms, @jeremyheimans, @nytdavidbrooks, Chicago leaders, and more!
- Nonprofit Times: On average, only about 3% of #nonprofits engaged in #lobbying. Why not more? Rick Cohen of @NatlCouncilNPs explains on this month’s episode of the #FreshResearch #podcast, which examines their “Nonprofit Impact Matters” study – NPT Fresh Research Podcast
- Benjamin Soskis: This great article from @clairemdunning on how employment practices of urban nonprofits perpetuate inequality helps deepen recent discussion of foundations’ failure to pay adequate admin expenses. Overhead myth fits into much broader story. How the rise of urban nonprofits has exacerbated poverty
- Tim Mak: NEW from me: The National Rifle Association was a ‘foreign asset’ to Russia in the period leading up to 2016 election, a Senate report finds. The 77 page Senate report draws on contemporaneous emails and private interviews NPR
- Steve Zimmerman: This great read from @gtak gets beyond the “talk” of shared leadership to exploring the considerations for implementation. Especially helpful for the lawyers on the board. Shared Leadership: A Lawyer’s Perspective via @npquarterly [Ed. Thanks for the kind words about this republished article originally from 2017.]
- Brian Mittendorf: Let’s expand on this a bit. The most recent 990 [for Fidelity Charitable], FYE June 2018 now shows >$65 mil. in management fees + $19 mil. of investment management fees. Of this, $58.9 mil was to Fidelity Investments (FMR).
- Susan Barrows Libby: Terrific article on #overhead mgmt by #EricGWalker. 5⃣ top NPO survival tools: 1⃣ Cost impact understanding 2⃣ Grant portfolio mgmt 3⃣ Adaptive budgeting 4⃣Synchronized reporting 5⃣ Careful negotiating. Five Nonprofit Survival Skills for Managing Low-Overhead Funding
- Jacqueline Emerson: IMPACT: The Musical premieres in 10 MINUTES at this link: https://youtu.be/-oiWn1AXXk0@BlendedValue#WHATIF