Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- “House Republicans are set to steer the country toward a series of fiscal showdowns as they look to force the White House to agree to massive spending cuts, threatening a return to the political brinkmanship that once nearly crippled the economy and almost plunged the U.S. government into default. The prospect for a catastrophe rose dramatically after conservatives brokered a deal with Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) that clinched his election as the speaker of the House early Saturday.” Washington Post
- “Brazil was reeling Monday after hundreds of supporters of the country’s former leader Jair Bolsonaro stormed the seats of power in the capital Brasilia, trashing offices and drawing condemnation from the government and the international community.” CNN
- “Western officials increasingly fear that Ukraine has only a narrow window to prepare to repel an anticipated Russian springtime offensive, and are moving fast to give the Ukrainians sophisticated weapons they had earlier refused to send for fear of provoking Moscow.” NY Times
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- Independent Sector: As of Dec. 21 2021, the U.S. #nonprofit workforce is down 495,000 jobs compared to pre #COVID19 employment levels. Read our newly released Health of the U.S. Nonprofit Sector Quarterly Review to see data & analysis regarding key areas affecting nonprofits: Health of the U.S. Nonprofit Sector Quarterly Review
- Global Fund for Women: “The best way to use money to achieve social change is to put grantees, their knowledge, & their strategic vision at the heart of things.” YES, exactly right. Shifting power means moving more funding directly to local groups. @Alliancemag #FeministFunder To shift power, fund entire ecosystems
- Phil Buchanan: 4 lessons from MacKenzie Scott that are relevant to all — the promoters and the haters.
- Richard Rubin: First CBO score of the new Congress is here. Says that the GOP IRS funding bill would reduce spending by $71.5B and reduce revenue by $185.8B. Net deficit increase of $114B. https://cbo.gov/system/files/2023-01/hr23_IRS.pdf
- NY Times: The IRS will begin the 2023 tax season bogged down in 10 million unprocessed tax returns from prior years and struggling to answer taxpayer phone calls, putting the embattled tax agency in a fraught position as Republicans try to gut its funding. I.R.S. Backlogs Continue as Republicans Mount Offensive
- Karl Mill: I haven’t seen much coverage of this yet but stumbled into the new code section putting together a year in review talk. Seems like a common sense fix to the worst kind of conservation easement activity. Still some bad stuff out there but this will help. How Congress Finally Cracked Down on a Massive Tax Scam
- Tony Martignetti: New on #NonprofitRadio: 2023 outlook for #nonprofits from @GTak of NEO Law Group and @amyrsward of @NTENorg: https://tony.ma/NonprofitRadio622
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: Poorly paid and increasingly burned-out, nonprofit staff are forming unions at a fast pace. But the process of negotiating a contract can be contentious and is straining relationships inside some groups. Here Come the Nonprofit Unions
- Stacy Palmer: Casa Ruby receiver sues board over lax oversight
- For Purpose Law Group: FPLG Favorite Posts of 2022: Part Three
Equity and Justice:
Understanding Indigenous pain is vital. But it is not enough, on its own (Ken Coates, Melissa Mbarki, and Chris Sankey, Globe and Mail)
But mere gestures such as land acknowledgments, public apologies and vague promises cannot heal wounds that were generations in the making. … What is needed is a real willingness to share power with Indigenous governments. Indigenous leaders themselves often tell us what is required: better policing, major improvements in health care and education, a Canadian standard of housing and infrastructure in Indigenous communities, cultural and linguistic revitalization, improved autonomy, greater professional development for First Nation administrators, fire protection, economic renewal, help adjusting to the transitions demanded by rapid climate change, among other action items.
How Three Black Women Hope to Change the Home Appraisal Industry (Debra Kamin, NY Times)
Notes from America: ‘Blackness (Un)interrupted’ (Code Switch, NPR) (podcast)
Penn State vowed to open a racial justice center. Now the plan is dead. (Nick Anderson, Washington Post)
Brazil keeps protecting Indigenous land in the Amazon. It’s not stopping deforestation. (Maria Parazo Rose, Grist)
If there are any attorneys or law students who identify as Black, Native Americans, or Pacific Islanders who are interested in nonprofit corporate and tax-exemption laws and who’d like to pursue this area of practice, I’m committing one hour each week to being a resource. Please contact me if I can be of service. 🙏