Last Sunday was Mother’s Day. Have a listen to Drake‘s Look What You’ve Done (and The Thrill is Gone by the legendary B.B. King, who we lost today) while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Pete Manzo: Shift to “new power” – open, participatory, engagement – seems dominant theme so far #threadsla #nonprofit [Ed. This tweet came out of the Independent Sector Threads meeting in Los Angeles.]
- For Purpose Law: A Second Way to Get Noticed by the California Attorney General
- Gene: FASB Proposes Improvements to Not-for-Profit Financial Statements | need comments! @IndSector webinar June 4
- Joan Garry: 10 Good Questions Board Members Should Ask
- Debra Beck: Thrilled by LinkedIn reception to this post: Letter to a Young #Nonprofit Board Member
- Gene: 375,000 of 690,000 orgs that had their exempt status auto-revoked were public charities. 50,000 of those applied for reinstatement. #ABATAX
- Gene; Climate change is the defining issue of our generation. Need to expand definition of charitable (tax-exempt) to encourage. #ABATAX
- Emily Chan: New “.ngo” and “.ong” Domain Names Available for Nonprofits via Nonprofit Law Matters
- Gene: Cliff Notes to the GIIN-JPMorgan Annual Impact Report – Impact Alpha #socent h/t @kylewestaway
- Case Foundation: Looking for a primer on #impinv? Check out our Short Guide to Impact Investing:
- Mark Gunther: Give and take: How companies make their money matters more than how they give it away #philanthropy
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