Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- “President Trump’s longtime lawyer and fixer accused him on Wednesday of an expansive pattern of lies and criminality, offering a damning portrayal of life inside the president’s orbit where he said advisers sacrificed integrity for proximity to power.” NY Times
- “President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un abruptly cut short their second day of meetings at a summit here Thursday after the two leaders failed to reach an agreement to dismantle that country’s nuclear weapons.” Washington Post
- “President Trump ordered his chief of staff to grant his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, a top-secret security clearance last year, overruling concerns flagged by intelligence officials and the White House’s top lawyer, four people briefed on the matter said.” NY Times
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- The Surly Subgroup: The Trump Foundation and the Private Foundation Termination Tax [Ed. The article was written by Professor Ellen Aprill, who tweeted in a follow up to this one: “A short piece from me prompted by Cohen’s testimony yesterday about yet another Trump portrait. If substantiated, this transaction would constitute yet another example of impermissible self-dealing between Trump and his foundation.”]
- Ellen Aprill: Lloyd Mayer and I addressed questions regarding assignment of income and Trump’s use of foundation funds in this TaxProf blog piece from October 2016. TaxProf Blog
- Michael Brown: .@BridgespanGroup: big-bet opportunities “require organizations to develop a concept worthy of investment for turning a large infusion of philanthropy into enduring change.” Proud to have @CityYear featured in “Becoming Big Bettable” in @SSIReview: https://bit.ly/2txCq2F
- Jeffrey Bradach: @cheryldorsey raises a crucial issue re. big bets: how systemic bias skews who receives them: “only 11 percent of social change big bets made between 2010 and 2014 went to … organizations [led by people of color].” #equity #bigbets #moreworktodo Hacking the Bias in Big Bets
- Benjamin Soskis: Large-scale philanthropy often fuels its ambition by defining itself against traditional ameliorative charity, but it doesn’t always have to. I’ve tried to make this point in the past; @DavidCallahanIP makes it powerfully here. Big Bets Are Important. But So Is a Big Heart.
- Philantopic: Impact Investing and #RacialEquity: Foundations Leading the Way https://bit.ly/2GZj6mW @SSIReview #impinv
- Lucy Bernholz: How Liberatory Philanthropy and Restorative Investing Can Remake the Economy Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
- The Listening Fund: “Listening with empathy is necessary, but insufficient. The most effective foundations go beyond listening, actively sharing power in order to co-determine the best interventions” Recent calls for foundation engagement leave out grantees and communities they serve – NCRP
- BoardSource: Does your organization have a process for establishing chief executive compensation? This checklist outlines 11 key items to consider when creating a compensation plan.
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: New gifts dropped by 7 percent, and second gifts to an organization, a sign of donor retention, fell by nearly 15 percent. Giving Did Not Keep Up With Inflation in 2018, Study Says
Themed Media Selection:
Diversity Ruled At The 2019 Oscars, But We Still Have Work To Do (Forbes)