Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of Nonprofit Resources of the Week.
Notable Nonprofit Posts, Articles, & Other Resources:
In a World Filled With Misinformation, Donors Want Truth From Charities (Chronicle of Philanthropy)
Inside Project 2025 (James Goodwin, Boston Review)
Judge Denies Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Use Consumer Protection Law to Shut Down a Migrant Shelter (Alejandro Serrano and Robert Downen, The Texas Tribune, and Vianna Davila, ProPublica and The Texas Tribune)
In Determining Whether A Corporation Qualifies As A Religious Corporation, Words Speak Louder Than Actions. (Allen Matkins, JD Suprac) [Ed. Refers to a recent California court opinion.]
Recruiting & Managing the Board You Need (Tara Huffman, Monika Karla Varma, Ginger Naylor, Nonprofit Quarterly) [Ed. Tara and Monika are the Chief Program & Strategy Officer and President & CEO of BoardSource, respectively, and Ginger is the CEO of Outward Bound; this promises to be a great webinar.]
Lee: Representation of women and people of color on nonprofit boards and CEO gender and race (Lloyd Mayer, Nonprofit Law Prof Blog) [Ed. “The findings show that the proportion of board members of color is positively associated with having a CEO of color and a female CEO. The proportion of female board members is positively associated with having a female CEO, but not with having a CEO of color.”]
Yielding Power to Youth (Kate Lord & Janae Phillips, Stanford Social Innovation Review)
Legal: 5 Considerations When A Bequest Is Challenged (Kevin W. Weigand, Nonprofit Times)
How to Avoid Groupthink When Hiring (Atta Tarki, Harvard Business Review)
Declaration of Independence [Ed. Previously published on the Nonprofit Law Blog in 2018.]
Significant Events:
- “The Supreme Court’s decision to bestow presidents with immunity from prosecution over official actions is an extraordinary expansion of executive power that will reverberate long after Donald J. Trump is gone. … “The relationship between the president and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in an outraged dissent joined by the court’s other two liberals. “In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law.”” NY Times
- “The Axis of Resistance does not have a unifying ideology, but it does have the shared goal of diminishing U.S. influence, especially in the Middle East and Eurasia, and rolling back liberal democracy. Instead of a NATO-like formal structure, it relies on loose coordination and opportunistic cooperation among its member states and its network of militias, proxies, and syndicates. Militarily, it cannot match the U.S. and NATO in a direct confrontation, so it instead seeks to exhaust and demoralize the U.S. and its allies by harrying them relentlessly, much as hyenas harry and exhaust a lion.” The Atlantic
- “President Biden, in both words and actions on Friday, made clear that he has little intention of quickly or quietly leaving the presidential race … Asked how he’d feel if he stayed in the race and Trump won, he responded, “I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about.”” Washington Post
Equity and Justice Related Articles & Resources:
What is Anti-Semitism? (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)
She took on a small Mississippi town’s police. Then they arrested her. (Robert Klemko, Washington Post)
UN Flagship Report On Disability And Development 2024, Executive Summary, Advanced Unedited Version (United Nations)
Climate Change Articles & Resources:
Opinion: The Supreme Court dealt a huge blow to our ability to fight climate change (Adam H. Sobel, CNN)
Why Beryl’s ‘Unprecedented’ Timing is a Signal of Climate Change’s Impact on Extreme Weather (Chantelle Lee, Time)
Can Scientist Leaders Help Countries Fight Climate Change More Effectively? (Sanam Mahoozi, Forbes)