I’ll be joining CalNonprofits CEO Jan Masaoka for a webinar on Thursday, June 28th from 11am to 12pm (Pacific). We’ll be discussing the major ongoing filing obligations that California nonprofits that are exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(3) are subject to each year.
Join us for an engaging webinar on the different kinds of ongoing corporate and tax-exemption filing responsibilities for nonprofits – and make sure your organization doesn’t end up in hot water!
You’ll learn about:
- federal and California regulatory agencies that oversee nonprofits (it’s not just the IRS!)
- how to determine which filing and registration requirements apply to your organization
- where to find one-time and annual required forms and instructions
- what to do if you are out of compliance with a filing or registration requirement (it’s ok to admit it!)
The webinar is free for members of CalNonprofits and $10 for Not-yet-Members. You may register for the webinar online here.
June 30, 2018 UPDATE: This webinar has ended. If you complete this registration form you will get the recording and slides in a few days.