Two great events going on this week in New York City in concert with the General Assembly of the United Nations: the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting and Mashable Social Good Summit. Check out CGI's video library and today's livestream here. And the Summit's video library here and livestream here.
President Bill Clinton Opens the 2011 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting with a Focus on Generating Jobs for the 21st Century, Sustainable Consumption for our Planet, “What Works” for Girls and Women, and Progress of Member Commitments. See the press release here.
Video: CGI Opening Plenary: Leaders Dialogue on Climate Change - featuring President Clinton,José Manuel D. Barroso, President of the European Commission; Felipe Calderón, President of the United Mexican States; and others.
President Barack Obama, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Archbishop Desmond M. Tutu Joined President Clinton for Second Day of the 2011 Annual Meeting. See the press release here.
Video: Conversations on Courage: Humanitarian Leadership in Action - Desmond Tutu talks with Aung San Suu Kyi in her 1st live interview since leaving house arrest.
Video : Sustainable Consumption: Redefining Business As Usual – featuring President Obama and others.
President Clinton Concludes the Seventh Annual Meeting; Conversation between Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton Closed a Day Dedicated to Empowering Girls and Women. See the press release here.
Video: Closing Plenary - featuring the Clintons.
The Social Good Summit featured Ami Dar, Geena Davis, Maria Otero, Mary Robinson, Jeffrey Sachs, Ted Turner, Desmond Tutu, Muhammad Yunus, and Randi Zuckerberg among many others.
Recap Day One - see Video: Two Minute Takeaway
Recap Day Two - see Video: Empowering Women and Girls: Hollywood, the United Nations and the Influence of Media
Recap Day Three - see Video: Girls Not Brides
Recap Day Four – see Video Library