Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Here are some of my favorite posts of the week in the areas of nonprofit organizations, corporate governance, philanthropy, and social enterprises:
- BridgespanGroup: Nonprofit leaders bracing for super-committee cuts, here are 5 things to do now. ow.ly/7CSlo
- emilychan: Excellent set of resources on Form 990 [governance] policies via Public Counsel bit.ly/s6w5y8
- Philanthropy: Should Boomers Stop Creating New Nonprofits? The debate rages on: ow.ly/7BES8
- ssstrom: Gates Foundation ups its PRI bets to $1B NYTimes: To Advance Their Cause, Foundations Buy Stocks nyti.ms/sUtiNb
- lisachiuster: Reading CJR rpt. on nonprofit journalism orgs & long delays w/ IRS cjr.org/the_news_front
- GTak: 9th Circuit wants cy pres charities chosen carefully – bit.ly/vjHuVU
- lanewealthgroup: How big companies are flirting with socially responsible businesses fastcoexist.com/
- SocEntp: Check out my colleague Steven J Haymore's fantastic article on B Corps & fiduciary duties in Vandy Law Rev. vanderbiltlawreview.org/
- npquarterly: What's trending on NPQ? A Wall Street Plan to Undermine Occupy Wall Street: The Meaning for Nonprofits owl.li/7BIKH
- GregLColvin: Wow 723 Likes, Nation of Change bit.ly/sVisRs for my blog Finally a Constitutional Amendment for the 99%, Rep. Deutch's OCCUPIED
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