The State Bar of Texas is holding its 22nd Annual Course: Governance of Nonprofit Organizations on August 15-16 in Austin. There will also be a webinar replay of the Course on September 12-13. MCLE: 12.5 hours.

The agenda includes the following sessions: Government-affiliated Nonprofits, The Universe of 501 Organizations, Overview of the Texas Attorney General’s Authority, Public charities vs. Private Foundations, Restricted Gifts 101, Cases in Point: Excessive Compensation Review, Understanding Endowments, and Program-Related Investements, Countdown to Compliance, Mental Capacity, Best Practices for Nonprofit Board Meetings, Ethics Considerations and the Who: Board Members, Riks in Serving Vulnerable Populations, Understanding Common Tax Issues, and What Happens When a Fiduciary Gets Sued.
I have the honor of delivering the first day’s Luncheon Presentation: The State of the Economy for Nonprofit Organizations. The economy is …
- strong
- in transition
- uncertain
- uneven
- beyond what we’ve prepared for
What does this all mean for nonprofit governance? I have a lot of thoughts …
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