This week, Starbucks announced its plan to subsidize tuition costs of its workers who pursue a college degree though a program with Arizona State University. Have a listen to Squeeze’s Black Coffee in Bed while perusing this week’s tweets on nonprofits, philanthropy, governance and social enterprises:
- Philantopic: Infographic: @GivingUSA Report, “Seas of Giving,” from @BenefactorGroup #philanthropy
- Nonprofit Quarterly: 2014 Giving USA report shows a healthy increase in giving for the arts, intensifying inequality and more
- Verified Volunteers: Is your #nonprofit prepared for fraud? This helpful post from @NonprofitTimes describes 6 red flags to watch out for:
- Bridgespan Group: How to develop yourself as a #nonprofit leader; 6 senior NPO leaders provide insight & advice #BridgespanClassic
- Ellis Carter: Nonprofit Law Jargon Buster – Directors and Officers … via @charitylawyer
- CompassPoint: #nonprofit Board Chairs: It’s not just “what to do,” but “how to be.” New blog post here:
- Gene: IRS Tax Exempt Advisory Committee makes recommendations re: unrelated business income tax #UBIT
- Council on Foundations: New resource for community foundations from @MntrInstitute – What’s Next for Community Philanthropy Toolkit #cf100
- Journal of Accountancy: Six key developments for not-for-profit CPAs:
- Gene: Mission Matters Most … #SSIRLive
- Sandra Feinsmith: IRS Loses Lois Lerner Emails—What Tea Party Targeting? via @forbes
- Nonprofit Quarterly: It’s time for nonprofits to demand something more from #Congress than a judgment on #Lerner #IRS
- Washington Post: IRS to propose specific limits on nonprofits’ political activities
- Laura Tomasko: Read the “plain English” guide to the #SocialImpactBond Act [PDF] #payforsuccess #sibs #impinv [Ed. The Act was introduced to Congress on June 18.]
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