I had the great pleasure of taking my nieces to Disneyland this holiday season (that’s Captain Hook on the platform attached to the second mast). Have a listen to Idina Menzel‘s version of When You Wish Upon a Star while perusing our curated nonprofit tweets of the week:
- Lucy Marcus: Wishing upon a star ain’t gonna get you there…it takes some effort too: Dare to Dream of Falling Short http://ow.ly/GnsxZ
- Gene: Need for Diversity at Nonprofits Is More Vital After Garner and Brown Cases http://shar.es/1H1Y47 via @Philanthropy
- Harvard Business Review: Why boards aren’t working, according to new research from @McKinsey: http://s.hbr.org/13lwgmB [Ed. Only 22% of directors say their boards know how their orgs create value.]
- Nonprofit Quarterly: An #IRS shutdown would save the agency $29 million each day, but will they follow through on their threat? http://hubs.ly/y0pdzV0
- PhilanTopic: .@IRS Considered Tax on Donations to Political Groups http://owl.li/GmNZD #elections #taxpolicy
- Nonprofit Quarterly: TRENDING: Why Knowing Your Competition Is Essential to Social Impact Success http://hubs.ly/y0nXMx0
- Fast Company Exist: The future of social enterprise in 2015 http://f-st.co/6qKkOi8
- Unreasonable: A Public Company Has Finally Become A B Corp http://bit.ly/1CCkkJZ via @FastCoExist + @arielhs // @naturanet @BCorporation
- New York Times: The Best of 2014, as chosen by NYT editors http://nyti.ms/1CCImY2
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