Catch up with the week’s notable events and shared resources with Nonprofit Tweets of the Week.
Notable Events of the Week:
- Senate Republicans finally made public their health care bill repealing the Affordable Care Act and calling for “deep cuts to Medicaid, the elimination of most taxes that funded the expansion of health care insurance to millions of Americans, including about 5 million in California, and an end to the mandate that people buy insurance.” SF Gate
- The Minnesota officer who killed Philandro Castile was acquitted. NY Times
Top 10 Nonprofit Tweets:
- CalNonprofits: Thank you @AsmMoniqueLimon for chairing thoughtful hearing on nonprofits & government! #selectcommittee [Ed. Assembly Member Limón chaired the historic first meeting of the California Assembly’s first ever committee on nonprofits. We look forward to working with the committee to strengthen the state’s nonprofit sector. My testimony here.]
- Gene: Amplify Your Voice: Lobbying Do’s and Dont’s – @AFJBeBold #nonprofits #advocacy
- Gene: Charities, #Advocacy, and Tax Law during a Time of Political Change ABA Business Law Today – @RLOonNonprofits
- Gene: When Are We Going to Talk About Money? A Nonprofit M&A Primer for the Business Attorney ABA Business Law Today @GrayPlantMooty
- Exponent Philanthropy: 6 Ways Self-Dealing Can Creep Into a #Foundation’s Work http://buff.ly/2swrNeZ @AdlerColvinSF
- NYT Opinion: The megarich are tackling problems government can’t or won’t. The problem? They are accountable to no one. http://nyti.ms/2sRhFR9
- Fast Co. Ideas: 5 charts that illustrate the racial bias in the nonprofit world: http://buff.ly/2sADpky
- Innovincent: DE #nonprofit #charitable #donations are in jeopardy: read why this matters: Innovincent @DE_Nonprofit @DelCommunity #HB240
- Adler & Colvin: #Nonprofit Law Matters Blog: New Requirements to Gain & Keep Online Copyright Infringement Liability Protections
- Lucy Bernholz: 10 tech issues and social justice – @The_EFC @DigCivSoc @dgtlimpact
Themed Media Selection:
‘Game of Thrones’ New Trailer: A Breakdown of Battles (Newsweek)